Benefits & history of Greased butter pancakes (giyaling)
Ingredients for Giyaling
1) 200 grams white flour2) 250 ml water
3) 2 tbsp oil
4) 1 egg (optional)
5) salt 1 tbsp
Preparation of Giyaling.
- Take a large deep bowl.add flour, a table spoon butter and salt to taste.
- Whisk eggs well and add them to the flour bowl.
- Add water and whisk all the ingredients until they are mixed well.
- You can add a pinch of baking powder but it’s optional.
- Heat a pan over moderate heat and grease it with cooking oil.
- Fill coffee scoop of mixture and spread it on the preheated pan adjust the heat
- accordingly.
- if the temperature is right it will turn golden/brown underneath in 50 seconds.
- If it is golden flip it to cook the other side and cook it for another 40 seconds.flip it again
- and cook for 15 seconds
- when Go-lee is cooked well shift it on a platter take a table spoon of butter and spread well.
- repeat the process(step 6-9) to make another Go-lee.