Recipe for Greased butter pancakes Giyaling

Benefits & history of Greased butter pancakes (giyaling)

Greased butter pancakes

Go-Lee (butter ) is to form your breakfast savory. it's sometimes served on breakfast on usual occasions however conjointly burned on special occasions as well. commonly it is best with a Namkeen Chai, but you'll eat it with easy chai if you're feeling uncomfortable with the namkeen(salty) thing. Giyaling could be a native occasional dish of a Hunza valley. it's specially created on the occasion of Gianni, and Ginani(local Festival) is an occurrence that is performed once the cultivation of a crop particularly the wheat. within the month of Could and June when wheat began to prepare, all the homeowners of a land head to their fields to relish the Ginani (local Festival) event with Greased butter pancakes Giyaling. instruction of Giyaling. Flatbread, created with whole grain flours, wealthy in nutrition B-17. it's served by spreading butter on bread, on extraordinary events. try and prepare Golee's reception by viewing this recipe for Gee Almond Oil.


Ingredients for Giyaling

1) 200 grams white flour
2) 250 ml water
3) 2 tbsp oil
4) 1 egg (optional)
5) salt 1 tbsp

Preparation of Giyaling.

  1. Take a large deep bowl.add flour, a table spoon butter and salt to taste.
  2. Whisk eggs well and add them to the flour bowl.
  3. Add water and whisk all the ingredients until they are mixed well.
  4. You can add a pinch of baking powder but it’s optional.
  5. Heat a pan over moderate heat and grease it with cooking oil.
  6. Fill coffee scoop of mixture and spread it on the preheated pan adjust the heat
  7. accordingly.
  8. if the temperature is right it will turn golden/brown underneath in 50 seconds.
  9. If it is golden flip it to cook the other side and cook it for another 40 seconds.flip it again
  10. and cook for 15 seconds
  11. when Go-lee is cooked well shift it on a platter take a table spoon of butter and spread well.
  12. repeat the process(step 6-9) to make another Go-lee.

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