- 250 gm sweet fermented flour
- 125 gm wheat flour
- 150 ml cold water
Procedure to Make Diram Phitti:
- Mix the two flours and make a dough by kneading and adding the water.
- Knead for about 10 minutes.
- Shape the dough into several round balls (about 3 inch in diameter) and pat them into 2 cm thick patties.
- Spread oil on a flat iron or crêpe pan at low heat.
- Place patties on the grill and brown lightly.
- Keep turning (so they don’t burn) and bake for 15 minutes until they develop a crust, but are still soft to the touch.
Importance Diram Phitti:
There is a very tasty variation on Diram Phitti, called Diram Shuro. It uses the freshly cooked Diram patties while they are still warm. Those are then crushed or mashed, fried in apricot oil and finally mixed into a bowl with butter or apricot oil.