How to make your own Hunza Water

Genuine Hunza water that cascades down the Himalayan mountains and into bright blue lakes isn’t available worldwide, and you can’t buy it in bottles at your local grocery store. But while you can’t drink the real deal without buying an expensive plane ticket, taking off some time from work, and going on a hike, a couple of homemade “Hunza water” recipes are available that imitate the authentic product in a couple of fun and interesting, if not scientifically proven, ways.

hunza water for sale

What Is Hunza Water?

Very simply, Hunza water is water from the Hunza Valley, which the population drinks unfiltered. Since the water flows from the glaciers in the mountains, Hunza water is purportedly filled with a high number of minerals, resulting in its unique blue-green color and lower surface tension. It’s also alkaline, which means it has a higher pH than the water you likely drink on a daily basis. Some people believe that drinking alkaline water promotes wellness, protects against disease, and slows the aging process, but it’s a controversial topic.

How to Make Your Own Hunza Water

Obviously, recreating the water found in the Hunza Valley isn’t possible. But it is possible to recreate a few of the features of the water that some believe have health benefits, namely, the high mineral content and its alkaline pH. One recipe also involves placing the water in sunlight, recreating mountain water’s journey through nature and over waterfalls, which is a nice thought.

It’s important to remember that, while myths abound that Hunza water is a fountain of youth, your own Hunza water has no proven health benefits. With that said, the sodium and other minerals in Hunza water likely work as electrolytes, which can help you keep hydrated. And there’s some evidence that alkaline-ionized water could help people who struggle with acid reflux, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Is Hunza Water System Dangerous to Drink?

Drinking unfiltered mountain water has dangers, even though it may seem crystal clear and perfect. For example, it might be contaminated with bacteria, protozoa and parasites, all left behind by animal or human waste. So, if you happen to find yourself in the mountains of Pakistan on the bank of a rushing forest stream, don’t just drink water right from the source without treating it first.

However, these Hunza water recipes should be completely safe to drink – although drinking too much sodium can result in adverse health effects. To avoid consuming too much salt, be sure to drink your Hunza water in moderation. Also, always use clean, filtered water as your base when making Hunza water.

When Should You Drink Hunza Water?

You can drink Hunza water any time of the day. Drinking it in the morning may fit nicely into your routine and help you start your day, though you may want to drink it when you’re feeling dehydrated or after exercise since it helps replace needed electrolytes.

Hunza water/ wine price

Hunza water wine price

Transparent Plastic Hunza Alkaline Mineral Water, For Home, Packaging Type: Bottles, Rs 200/bottle Phi Sciences Crystal Energy"Hunza Water" 3 PACK

There is not any official store for wine but you can buy hunza purified water from above link

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